Rebecca’s Sponsored Swim

Rebecca  has  completed her challenge to swim the equivalent 22 miles of the English Channel for Unique Kidz and Co!


Rebecca, who has Down’s Syndrome and attends 4Ever Unique, our adult day service, has only recently started swimming regularly. On the 1st March, she dove into her fundraising challenge to raise money, and completed the challenge on 7th May.

Swimming at Salt Ayre, Rebecca needed to complete 1403 lengths of the 25m pool to total the equivalent miles of the channel crossing. Averaging around 100 lengths at a time, Rebecca kept her supporters up to date with her progress on her JustGiving page.

Rebecca said “I really enjoy swimming, especially when I go underwater. I love coming to Unique Kidz and Co and wanted to help raise some money. Thank you to everyone who has sponsored me so far.”

You can sponsor Rebecca here.

Jordan Halpin, Head of Fundraising said “Rebecca’s commitment and endurance has been inspirational. We are all so proud that she took on this challenge for Unique Kidz and Co and to raise over £1,300 will help us continue to support her and her friends achieve more amazing things like this!”